Wellspring Fellowship is a local church located in Martinsville, Virginia, USA. We are a loving spiritual family. While teaching and reaching our generation for Christ, we make disciples for local and global service, establishing the kingdom of God worldwide.
Our Beginnings
The Lord established the church in 1976 as a small home meeting with ten or twelve people growing as it moved from house to house. Although small in number, those first days were days of tremendous outpouring and visitation of the Holy Ghost with an overwhelming sense of the presence of God during worship and praise.
The most important thing to us when this fellowship first began was that God was very real. Nothing else mattered to us except that the presence of God was among us. There was an intense anticipation about what the Lord was going to do and, because of that, every time we got together the Spirit of the Lord moved in power.
A Well for the Thirsty
In one of our early services, the Lord gave a vision of a well and the church sitting around the well. Many people were coming from all over clothed in rags, dying of thirst and hunger. As each one came, we would say, “Come and have a drink,” and we would reach down with dippers into the well and give them a drink. Everybody was dipping into the well and pouring water over the heads of the people, watching their countenance change as they received a refreshing drink.
A Wellspring of Refreshing
God showed through the vision that He was opening up a fountain of refreshing where many would come, drink, and experience the presence of God. This fountain of refreshing is often called an ‘open heaven.’ We maintain that open heaven through continual praise and worship, the offering of the “fruit of our lips giving thanks unto His Name” as referred to in the Book of Hebrews. God wants continual worship and praise among us so that those who come from afar who are dry and thirsty can be refreshed. This fountain or “wellspring” flowing in our midst shows that the Lord has taken up residence in this place. The vision of every one having a dipper means that every member is a vital participant in the move of God that follows.