From Dr. Jon Peterson – May 10 2017
I’m really excited about a phone call I got last night, and I have to share it: When we were in Southhampton Randy called us up to give a word of knowledge. I am very unpracticed in that, but I prayed, and saw a clear picture of a small orange car running into a very big tree. I didn’t see anyone in the car, but when it came my turn I called out “someone has issues related to their car running into a tree”, and no one stood up or came forward. That evening I opened up a “bottle of WHINE”. “Lord, I have been praying so hard for words of knowledge, and I thought for sure I was getting one from You, and no one stood up, and when am I ever going to start hearing clearly from You, and how could I have missed it so completely, and what’s wrong with me…etc etc etc. BUT the next morning first thing I was up in the lounge at church and Ginny sat down across from me. I had never spoken with her before, and she was asking me what kind of doctor I was, and I said “emergency”. She said, “oh, my brother in law was an emergency physician, but he died several years ago.”
“How did he die?”
“He was driving on a narrow road and someone came in the opposite direction in his lane. He swerved to avoid it and ran into a tree. He died and his wife was severely injured.” I knew that had to be my word of knowledge, so we prayed for her sister in law and I suggested we call her then but she was in Michigan and it was 1 a.m. there at the time, so Ginny said she would give her my phone number and she could call me if she wanted to. Well, yesterday her sister called me full of joy and gratitude! She said this past weekend was the 15th anniversary of her husband’s death. She had had 3 years of reconstructive surgery, many years of chronic pain, PTSD, sleep disturbance, and survivor guilt, but when she heard about the word of knowledge “all the darkness” left her and set her free! She said she knew then that there was nothing she could have done, that God was mindful of her, and that He had sent her this message. She said peace and joy flooded her when she heard that word. Praise JESUS!!! (And by the way, the car was a 1982 ORANGE Porsche!) Is that awesome or what??? What an amazing God we serve!